What we do
The making of grants to charities who support children and young people with severe learning disabilities. The trustees make grants for items of equipment and activities which directly benefit the children and young people (not running costs). In exceptional circumstances grants may be awarded to individual beneficiaries.
Twice-yearly meetings are held, usually in June and December for the trustees to consider grant applications. Grants are usually between £750 and £3,000
Our Story
Dorothy Pamela Smith, known as Pamela, was born brain-impaired and had the mental age of a child throughout her life, and required full-time care.
Pamela became a ward of court because of her mental incapacity. After Pamela's death, the residual from her estate was incorporated into the charitable trust for making grants to charities and medical research concerned with brain impairment in children.

Grant Application Form
︎︎︎ Click here to download
Please download the PDF fillable form and email us your application with any more relevant information.Please note
1. Trustees meet twice a year to consider applications usually in June and December.
2. The Dorothy Pamela Smith CIO trust does not release funds for running costs.
3. Funds are only given for specific projects, equipment or materials.
4. Grants are restricted to beneficiaries who are children aged 16 or under.
5. Where a grant is sought for purposes which would benefit children (16 and under) with physical disabilities as well as those with mental disabilities, at least 75% of the proposed beneficiaries must have mental disabilities.
6. The Trustees preference is to make grants for specified materials or projects. It would be helpful for Trustees to be provided with proposals for specific expenditure between £750 and £3000.

Dorothy Pamela Smith CIO has supported;
Mencap Sheffield |
Seashell Trust |
Playaway |
Marches Family Network |
Shine |
Step by Step |
Cerebra |
Leeds Mencap |
Bardwell School |
Autism Bedfordshire |
Down Syndrome UK |
Ormiston Families |
Cpotential |
Clowns in the Sky |
Happy Days |
Challengers |
The Childrens Trust |
Mencap Keynsham |
St Nicholas Primary School |
Leeds Weekend Care Association |
Diverse Abilities Dorset |
Grove Cottage |
Make Them Smile |
Families United Network |
Encephalitis Society |
SCAMPS Surrey |
Thumbs Up |
St Peter & Paul Academy |
Snowflake School |
Medequip 4 Kids |
British Disabled Angling Association |
Brainwave |

What we do
The making of grants to charities who support children and young people with severe learning disabilities. The trustees make grants for items of equipment and activities which directly benefit the children and young people (not running costs). In exceptional circumstances grants may be awarded to individual beneficiaries.
Twice-yearly meetings are held, usually in June and December for the trustees to consider grant applications. Grants are usually between £750 and £3,000
Our Story
Dorothy Pamela Smith, known as Pamela, was born brain-impaired and had the mental age of a child throughout her life, and required full-time care.
Pamela became a ward of court because of her mental incapacity. After Pamela's death, the residual from her estate was incorporated into the charitable trust for making grants to charities and medical research concerned with brain impairment in children.

Grant Application Form
︎︎︎ Click here to download
Please download the PDF fillable form and email us your application with any more relevant information.Please note
1. Trustees meet twice a year to consider applications usually in June and December.
2. The Dorothy Pamela Smith CIO trust does not release funds for running costs.
3. Funds are only given for specific projects, equipment or materials.
4. Grants are restricted to beneficiaries who are children aged 16 or under.
5. Where a grant is sought for purposes which would benefit children (16 and under) with physical disabilities as well as those with mental disabilities, at least 75% of the proposed beneficiaries must have mental disabilities.
6. The Trustees preference is to make grants for specified materials or projects. It would be helpful for Trustees to be provided with proposals for specific expenditure between £750 and £3000.

Dorothy Pamela Smith CIO has supported;
Cpotential |
Encephalitis Society |
Mencap Sheffield |
Clowns in the Sky |
SCAMPS Surrey |
Seashell Trust |
Happy Days |
Playaway |
Challengers |
Thumbs Up |
Marches Family Network |
The Childrens Trust |
Shine |
Mencap Keynsham |
Step by Step |
St Nicholas Primary School |
St Peter & Paul Academy |
Cerebra |
Leeds Weekend Care Association |
Snowflake School |
Leeds Mencap |
Diverse Abilities Dorset |
Medequip 4 Kids |
Bardwell School |
Grove Cottage |
British Disabled Angling Association |
Autism Bedfordshire |
Make Them Smile |
Down Syndrome UK |
Families United Network |
Ormiston Families |
Brainwave |
Email: dpssmithcio@gmail.com
Charity number: 1160054